Claire K

First Aid & CPR Instructor

Primary Care Paramedic

Claire K's Bio and Background

Claire is a Primary Care Paramedic, earning her Diploma with Distinction from St Lawrence College.

  • Primary Care Paramedic for 5 years
  • Patient Transfer with Spectrum Patient Transfer
  • Swimming and Water Safety Instructor
  • Lifeguard
Fun Fact

Fun Facts about Claire

Claire's primary language is French. She went to OFSAA in badminton and at one point, considered going Pro!

How and Why did Claire get involved in First Aid and CPR training?

I was on vacation when a young girl washed up on the shore of a beach, unconscious and not breathing. With my training as a Lifeguard I was able to assist her to the best of my ability and by the time the paramedics in the Bahamas arrived she was coughing up water. Ever since then I have always wondered: “What else could I have done? What did they do that I couldn’t?"


Claire's Upcoming Courses

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is an instructor!

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Articles Written By

Claire K

Below you'll find articles and thoughts written for Para CPR & First Aid's "Keep Your Finger on the Pulse" Article Collection by Claire.

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